Shop Online From Castle Lifestyle & Get 25% OFF In This Festive Season

Festivals in India India is a country that finds its unity in diversity. It is home to different people of different religions and so India celebrates festivals throughout the year. Starting from September, the festive season begins. Diwali Known as the festival of lights, Diwali is celebrated almost by everyone in the country. It is the time when people engage in buying new ethnic wear for women's clothes along with western dresses and gifting others. All the retail outlets along with e-commerce platforms are gearing up for the mega shopping season to add additional stocks and launching attractive offers and deals. India’s festive season – one of the great promotional tool for retailers Festivals in India connect the online shopping platforms with its prospective buyers. Most of the young generation, busy working professionals turn to online shopping as shopping in the marketplace becomes really difficult for them. This is the reason the online market i...